A bridge between the Knowledge System and Territories for Sustainable Development


The Simone Cesaretti Foundation works as a bridge between the Knowledge System and
Territories with the aim of finding Solutions that allow for the implementation of a
Sustainable Development model.
A model can be said to be sustainable if:
  • It is capable of satisfying individual and collective needs (food, mobility, housing, leisure activities, etc.) to improve societal Well-being.
  • Distributes Well-being evenly among individuals, territories and countries.
  • Protects future generations.
  • Strikes an optimal balance quantitative and qualitative aspects of Well-being.



Journal and Book series
Center for the Elaboration of Analyses and Proposals for the Sustainability of Well-being


Support us
in finding Solutions

for Sustainability

As “Ente del Terzo Settore”, all liberal donations given to the Simone Cesaretti Foundation can be deducted from taxes.
For more information, please refer to the “Support Us”

What kind of donation do you wish to make?

The tax code of the Simone Cesaretti Foundation is 95095940631


The Simone Cesaretti Foundation wishes to act as a Bridge between Knowledge System and Territories in order to favour the individuation and implementation of Solutions for Sustainability. To know more about the philosophy of the Simone Cesaretti Foundation, please visit our “About Us” page
The Simone Cesaretti Foundation accepts different types of donations from institutions, bodies and people. To know more about the ways in which you can support the Simone Cesaretti Foundation, visit the Support Us page.
The Simone Cesaretti Foundation offers two types of internships:

  • Curricular internships, for the youth involved in education, with the aim of integrating studying and work experience.
  • Extra-curricular internships to provide formation to youths with the objective of aiding them in making professional advances as well as getting hands-on knowledge on the job.
The Review of Studies on Sustainability, first published in 2011, wishes to contribute
to international debate on Sustainability of Well-being, hosting contributions that favour the integration among multidisciplinary competences. For more information about the Review, visit the page “Journal and Book series”
The Simone Cesaretti Foundation has activated courses on the following themes:

  1. Educating towards sustainable development: promoting a culture of sustainability;
  2. Sustainable jobs: new professional figures with the task of individuating strategies and solutions for the adoption of a new sustainable development model;
  3. Educating towards new well-being paradigms: empowering individuals to enact behaviours more in line with sustainable principles.
The Simone Cesaretti Foundation works on four main research areas:

  1. Circular economy: economic model in which stakeholders operate choices in order to maintain a dynamic balance between factors of production and Well-being;
  2. Main productive sectors: food, mobility, housing, leisure activities, etc.;
  3. Conditions for Sustainability: new technologies and educational models, social responsibility, policies;
  4. Challenges to Sustainability: main obstacles to overcome to reach a sustainable development model.