Studies on Sustainability
Studies on Sustainability hosts contributions aimed at advancing knowledge on themes of Sustainability of Well-being.

Rivista di Studi

sulla Sostenibilità

Prezzo fascicolo (inclusi arretrati): € 43,50
Prezzo fascicolo e-book (inclusi arretrati): € 37,50
Article in press
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Review of Studies on Sustainability


and Governance

The series “Economics and Governance of Sustainability”, first published in 2015, is the result of an editorial project spearheaded by prof. Rosa Misso, who unfortunately passed away prematurely. Prof. Misso’s creativity, competence, sensitivity and deep commitment identified her as a point of reference among the scientific community.
The objective of the series is to foster the dissemination of knowledge inherent to the operational tools and strategic actions for the pursuit of sustainable well-being.

of Sustainability

With a multidisciplinary approach, the series hosts specialised contributions that assess the issue of sustainability in an integrated way with respect to its economic, social and environmental aspects at global and local levels.


The series “Agricoltura e Benessere”, run in collaboration with Franco Angeli, was established in 2012 with the intention of disseminating studies that adopt the “Food for Sustainability” approach, to encourage academics to approach sustainability in all its declinations and offer scientific insight on topics ranging from food safety to food quality, from health protection to bioenergy issues.

e benessere